Tricycle steering geometry - downloadsClicking the links below will download (or attempt to open) the files. It's usually better to right-click these links and save the files to your hard disk for future reference. That should work in most browsers: Mac users click and hold. We've saved the sheets in several different formats. in most cases they've converted well, but some are better than others in preserving graphs, formatting etc. Please email me copies if you successfully convert the sheets into formats not mentioned here, and I'll add them to the list. If you don't already have access to a spreadsheet program I can recommend the free office suite, which is available (free!) for most platforms including Windows, Linux, Mac and more. As explained in previously, there are several different linkage types:
Thanks to Doug Kirtz for the Mac conversions. All of his conversions (in several Mac-friendly formats) can be downloaded at once: All of Doug's Mac format files, stuffed and Zipped. Mac users can 'unstuff' zip files no problem, just drag on to Stuffit Expander. I recommend you also save or print out the next page, Instructions, which applies to all of the different sheets and formats Previous: the spreadsheets -- Steering home -- Next: Instructions |