Other stuff, projects, hobbies...
- I have built a number of heavy duty bicycle trailers. Here are some rather old and poor pages on the first and second cycle trailers I've built, and some loads I've carried. The most recent one I've built is my third trailer, now on its second hitch design.
- If cycling leaves your arms wasting away why not try a Waterrower? Race online with others around the world at the still-in-beta but useable We-Row. I don't use it as much as I should nowadays...
- I've built some rather fine-sounding single-driver loudspeakers to a design by Bob Brines.
- And built a cool valve amplifier from a kit by World Audio Design, now trading as World Designs. When I bought my kit the prices were a LOT lower!
- Some surprisingly high traffic illustrated notes about changing the element on a Dualit toaster and on replacing a Dualit toaster timer unit.
- The internet company which kindly hosts this site: 2020Media.
- Some rather obscure notes on compatability of (Parker) SBC Motovariatori/Elettronica MB servo motors and LVD drives, and Elau SB servomotors.
- A CCTV system repair for the very lovely charity who hosted my Velo Vision office for some years, St Nicholas Fields. I made a reasonably complex alu replacement part which happily fitted perfectly :-)

- The seriously heavy telescope mount driven by AC servos and 12" worm gears which I'm very slowly building (drawing is unfinished):

- A CNC milling machine being build from large structural steel sections rather than castings, and using a selection of cheap-on-ebay linear slides, ballscrews etc. A multi year project with a long way to go yet - so far I've just about done the main frame. Vertical (Z) axis yet to be designed (depends on whether I can find a suitable (=cheap enough) servo motor for the spindle). Another unfinished drawing:
